Monday, March 11, 2013


Loving Getting my head back in to the right head space for studying, using my brain again for something other than the everyday. I wasn't sure I'd be enjoying studying full time again, but I really am.

Reading Effective Teaching Strategies, Psychology for Educators, and Yookosu, Continuing Japanese

Doing Procrastinating going down the street, to post a card... Procrastinating writing pages of notes. Procrastinating anything that is productive...

Enjoying The weather, not too hot at the moment, not raining and cold... It's been quite nice these last few days, with lots of sunshine!

Watching I've gotten into The Block. I love watching them transform rooms, I don't enjoy the catty, back stabbing attitudes of the younger couples. I watch the show for the two "older" couples!

Thinking About More Coffee... I really shouldn't, but I love the taste...

Needing To get my hair cut, and my eyebrows waxed... I keep putting it off, but I really do need to get them done...

Wanting April 8th to get here already! I have big changes coming....

I'd love to see your currently list - so leave a link below, and I'll pop around for a looksee!

1 comment:

  1. This would be great to smash book! Or Art Journal!!! :D
