So... this evening i decided to play round with some things... most notably Digi Scrapping (again) i decided to use some photos of myself... and tell ya'll bout me.... its kinda cryptic... but you know... :-P
The Journaling says:
"I'm the type of girl who isn't afraid to laugh when it is inappropriate,
to go around shopping centres, playing with the toys.
I'm the type of girl who likes to act like a big kid but also has her moments in deep thought.
My hobbies are a bit all over the place, from reading to craft or getting messy hands
helping dad in the garage.
I like to walk through the bush or along the beach.
I am a mix of Differences."
So... what did i use on this one? another scrap from
Scrapsketch... yeah... i love doing them... means less thinking for me... hehe.
All the papers were once again
Shabby Princess. From the Happy Go Lucky Range...
I'm really happy with this one... :) (i realise i say that for most of them)
OH yeah! forgot to mention that i won something!!! Over at
2 peas, they had a digital scrapping challenge, which i entered... I won with one of the pieces I wasn't particularly fond of... which is this one :
Spoilt. So what did I win? I won a $5.00 credit towards anything i wanted to purchase from the 2peas store... so, I bought more than $5.00 worth of course :-P but it was really exciting to have won something!
Also this evening, i created the proto-type for my older sisters baby shower which is coming up. I like it. Will play round with it some more before posting a pic (remove address and phone numbers etc) but that was fun, she liked them which was the important thing...
The other night, I made some embellishment stars too, will photograph them tomorrow probably....
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